Although I consider myself technologically savvy, I think I've missed the boat on both Facebook and MySpace.
I'm going to admit, I have NO Idea what I'm doing when I log onto either of those sites.
On Facebook, I can really only update my status. I frequently get requests to add applications that do a variety of things, but I always freak out when I click-click-click and ultimately end up at some screen that asks me to fork over my first born just to be able to add that application to my account. Unsure what one final click would do, I always abort the mission and never end up installing the fancy schmany "apps" as they're called.
I started out on MySpace and kinda kept up with that. Then, people asked why I wasn't on Facebook to which I replied, "because I'm not in college and don't have a student email address....DUH!" Well, as it turns out, I guess Facebook became non-student oriented a long time ago and I just never got the memo. So, I joined.
Now, rarely a day goes by when I don't hear the phrase, "did you see on Facebook where...."
Anyways, all of this just to say that I received a million and one text messages yesterday because people sent me Happy Birthday messages on FB but I have NO IDEA how they knew it was my birthday! I was soooo pleasantly surprised to receive all of the texts, but I feel really guilty because I have no idea how to return the favor.
I know my birthday is listed on my profile, but did people go to my profile and happen to see it was my BD? Hubs said they probably have an application that reminds them of their friends Birthdays.
(Rewind: A few nights ago, I logged in to see if Debbie had delivered her baby yet, I noticed that Ryan had updated his status using his cell phone...and, well anything to do with a cell phone is fine by me, so I fumbled my way through setting up FB to text me messages that people leave for me on FB).
Needless to say, I've spent a majority of the last hour trying to figure out how I, too, can be alerted of friends birthdays. I mean, people I haven't talked to in 8+ years sent me well wishes for my birthday! I MUST be a good steward of life and return the favor on their special day. BUT HOW?!
I see an "event" application on my mainpage. Is that how people knew it was my birthday? Mine says it's activated, but I don't see any events.
I'm too organized to be so unorganized when it comes to Facebook. I need a FB tutorial STAT!
I actually remembered that your birthday was the same day as my grandfather's, but there is a listing of upcoming birthdays on the right column of the home page of Facebook.
R. says he feels like he is "expected" to get a Fbook account because I communicate with so many of our friends/classmates who pass along greetings. ;)
I'll save you looking up mine - I'm January 8th!
When I login to facebook the birthdays just pop up on the righthand side of the page. I don't think I ever set anything up....it just tells me which friends have a birthday that day. I think it's right above or below the "people you may know" feature.
Even though I see this reminder, I still suck at sending birthday wishes. Happy belated birthday!
If you need facebook tips I'll help ya. :) And I stink at the birthday wishes too! So...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
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